8 800 505-00-85 +7 495 109-0-600 +7 (812) 646-50-11 +7 (343) 302-25-85

Ваш город:

Алла Remizova

Откуда: Канада, Торонто
Регистрация: 7 лет 1 месяц 20 дней назад



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О себе

I was born in Moscow but moved overseas 25 years ago. I can use both languages, Russian and English, depends on the keyboard I have at the moment :) I love to draw and paint . I love all the beauty of the world and want to express my feelings on the paper or canvas. I am Engineer and designer but Structural , not fashion and do drawings all my life. Art is my passion and hobby and I really want to develop my artistic skills more. I am sure your school will improve my skills and make my life more interesting . Thank you very much.

Мои работы